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Misplaced Modifiers - Exercise 5

Directions: Correct any dangling modifiers in the sentences below by changing the dangling modifier phrase to a subordinate clause with a subject and a verb.
Write your answers in the space provided under each item. When you have completed the exercise, click on "Check My Answers" and check your answers with those on the answer key.

1. After explaining that I had lost my wallet, the waiter allowed me to pay by check.

2. Driving up the long, tree lined driveway, the mansion loomed above us.

3. Once filled with ink, you can write for hours before the pen runs dry.

4. Having done the dishes and vacuumed the floors, my house looked decent again.

5. Playing football for the first time, the game was too strenuous for Maxwell.

6. Standing on the runway, a plane will hit you.

7. Reading Newsweek, an article on the dangers of ice fishing caught my eye.

8. When just two years old, my mother showed me how to dance the polka.

9. While visiting the reptile house, the crocodile frightened my friends.

10. After showing my ID, the gate opened.



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Margaret L. Benner

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