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Principal / Principle - Exercise 1

Direction: Choose the correct word in each sentence below. When you have finished, click on the "Check My Work" button to view the answers.

1. A cheesecake's (   ) ingredients are cream cheese and sugar.

2. The district attorney assigned her office's (   ) prosecutor to the highly publicized trial.

3. Lisa is vegetarian because her (   ) tell her that all life has value.

4. Lisa's (   ) dietary concern is getting enough protein, vitamins, and minerals from non-meat sources.

5. Boyle's Law describes the (   ) that an enclosed gas's pressure and volume are inversely related.

6. At the assembly, our school's (   ) introduced each guest speaker.

7. We want an intelligent, capable, and (   ) leader.

8. My (   ) reason for not buying that company's sneakers is that sweatshop labor conflicts with my (   ).

9. The leavening (   ) inflates breads by heating and expanding gas bubbles within their dough.

10. John's promotion will make him a (   ) partner in the firm.


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Margaret L. Benner

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