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Then / Than - Exercise 2

Direction: Choose the correct word in each sentence below. When you have finished, click on the "Check My Work" button to view the answers.

1. Nothing is worse (   ) fighting traffic on Friday afternoon.

2. The dog bit its master; (   ) it ran away.

3. If you insist on having a cake, (   ) I'll go grocery shopping.

4. Taller (   ) her brother, Marlene often teased him mercilessly.

5. It is unfair for him to have more time to study (   ) I do.

6. First you got upset; (   ) you got angry.

7. We all suspected that the clerk knew more (   ) he let on.

8. Core the apple and (   ) rinse it in lemon juice.

9. If all goes well, (   ) we can proceed to the next step.

10. The discussion lasted much longer (   ) we thought it would.


For further information on these resources, contact
Margaret L. Benner

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