PAL Sessions

Peer-Assisted Learning Sessions (PALS) are weekly drop-in sessions that are led by peer tutors. 

pal sessions

What are PAL Sessions (PALS)?

Peer-Assisted Learning Sessions (PALS) are weekly drop-in sessions that are led by peer tutors. During each session, a specific topic is reviewed that is related to current material for a particular course and students have the opportunity to ask questions and work on examples/problems together. 

Which courses offer PALS and how do I sign-up?

All PALS are drop-in, so no prior registration is required. Sessions may be a mix of in-person and online.

See the list of course offerings and the schedule below. You are able to join the session 10-15 minutes before it begins.

For questions about PAL Sessions, email the Tutoring & Learning Center, .

Fall 2024 BLA PALS



Spring 2024 MATH PALS 

Mondays 4-5 p.m. in YR 104
Mondays 3-4 p.m. in YR 126
Thursdays 5-6 p.m. in YR 105