
Relief for Student-Tigers in Need

TU’s Student Emergency and Food Insecurity Fund has offered relief for many students hit hard by the pandemic. The fund provides aid to those needing housing and food assistance. Since May, more than 1,040 students have received over $275,000.

Although the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act has awarded $1.2 million to TU students, mostly in the form of technology assistance, it will run out of funding by the spring 2021 term. Applications for the Student Emergency and Food Insecurity Fund have tripled, and TU’s food pantry has seen traffic double since the pandemic. Prior to the pandemic, about 18% of Student Emergency Fund applicants reported food insecurity. Now more than 48% do. Continued support of the Student Emergency and Food Insecurity Fund is crucial to meet our students’ basic needs through the pandemic and beyond. To make a gift, visit     

Relief for Employee Tigers in Need

The Faculty and Staff Emergency Fund assists TU faculty, staff and contractual employees experiencing emergencies or financial hardship during the pandemic. Since the spring, over $14,000 has been awarded to TU employees. Some recipients and their families have battled COVID-19, had spouses laid off and were unable to collect unemployment or struggled to purchase food or afford rent because their part-time jobs were furloughed or terminated.

One recipient who needed funding for housing assistance shared their gratitude.

“I was at the end of the road and didn’t know where to go,” they said. “I am thankful that TU was there to help. As I get myself together, I plan to give back.”

Another recipient who had a significant loss of household income also shared appreciation.

“I am tremendously thankful for the Faculty and Staff Emergency Fund. It generously helped my family in our time of need. I am very grateful for the help that was available and want to thank TU so much.”

Once the current crisis passes, the Faculty and Staff Emergency Fund will continue to support Tiger employees navigating financial emergencies. 

To support the Faculty and Staff Emergency Fund, visit   

2020 TU Big Give – One-Day Giving Record

The 2020 TU Big Give, held on April 22, supported Tigers in need during the COVID-19 pandemic and broke the TU daily giving record. Most of the funds raised supported the Student Emergency and Food Insecurity Fund or the Faculty and Staff Emergency Fund. During the one-day event, 1,300 donors gave $180,000.