President Schatzel emphasizes community safety, postpones address

Towson University president postpones Thursday address to focus on open dialogue with campus community Tuesday night.

September 30, 2019

President Schatzel

Towson University President Kim Schatzel has postponed her Presidential Address originally scheduled for Thursday, Oct. 3 in favor of focusing the dialogue around a campus conversation with students, faculty and staff on Tuesday, Oct. 1.

Students, faculty and staff are invited to attend the event, set for 6 to 7 p.m. Tuesday in the Chesapeake Rooms at the University Union.

The forum will be led by student groups and university leadership — including President Schatzel — to discuss two recent sexual assault incidents on campus. The President shared the plans for the event in a message to campus on Monday afternoon.

"This forum and what we share there will be important for our university community," the president's message read. "Therefore, I am postponing my Presidential Address scheduled for this Thursday to ensure my focus is there, on Tuesday and the steps that come afterward."

Those unable to attend, or who would otherwise prefer to submit a question in advance of the event, may email the Office of Inclusion and Institutional Equity at