Resource Planning & Advisory Committee

The Resource Planning & Advisory Committee meets on the fourth Friday of every month, from 9-10:30 AM.


The Resource Planning and Advisory Committee shall be composed of one faculty member from each college, including the library, elected to a three-year term by faculty within their colleges; one Dean representative appointed to a three-year term and on a rotating basis by the Deans’ Council; one representative from each administrative division appointed by the senior VP of each division; one representative from Athletics selected annually by the President of the University; the Provost, ex-officio and nonvoting; the Senior Vice President of Administration and Finance, ex-officio and nonvoting; the Chair of the Academic Senate, ex-officio and voting; the President of the TUAAUP/Faculty Association, ex-officio and voting; one undergraduate student appointed annually by the SGA; one graduate student appointed annually by the Graduate Student Association; the chair of the Faculty Salary Review Committee, ex officio and voting; the TUSC treasurer, ex officio and voting. The Chair of RPAC shall be elected from the faculty members elected to the committee.

Voting Members

Name unit term
Jennifer Ballengee CLA 2025
Phillip Collister-Murray COFAC 2027
Elizabeth DeCoster Library 2027
Lijing Du  CBE 2025
Amanda Jozkowski CHP 2026
Jeffrey Kenton COE 2027
Joel Moore FCSM  2025
Lisa Plowfield Dean Representative, CHE 2025
Natalie Dabrowski Marketing & Communication  
Christina Morgan Strategic Partnerships & Applied Research  
Donna Auvil Administration and Finance  
Matt Chambers Office of the Provost  
Bonnie Lingelbach Student Affairs  
Patrick Thomas Athletics  
Joshua Hayes Inclusion & Institutional Equity  
Jasmin Alston University Advancement   
  SGA 2025
Brianna Saffran GSA 2025

Ex-Officio Voting

Name Role
Bart Debicki  Academic Senate Chair
TBD Faculty Compensation Review Committee 
Heather Sorensen TU Staff Senate
Elin Lobel TU-AAUP/Faculty Association
Vacant University Budget Office 

Ex-Officio Non-Voting

Name Role
Senior Vice President for Finance and Chief Fiscal Officer Ben Lowenthal Administration & Finance 
Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs Melanie Perreault Office of the Provost


The Resource Planning and Advisory Committee will serve as the Academic Senate’s representative voice into Towson University’s annual resource planning process. The committee will support the university in a consultative manner by reviewing, advising, and recommending on the following:

  1. Annual funding priorities plan;

  2. Annual tuition and fee plan;
  3. Amendments or modification to the ten year capital plan;
  4. Changes to the fiscal policies of the university;
  5. Funding priorities in the event of a financial crisis.