Career Resources by Major
Explore our comprehensive database of career information that will help you start figuring out what you can do with your major.
Our comprehensive range of free career services includes coaching, resumes and cover letter reviews, mock interviews, job and internship searching and graduate school essay reviews.
We offer support in developing your career action plan.
Values are the core principles that influence our decision-making, how we prioritize, and how we deal with difficulties. Defining your workplace and life values can help you to broaden or narrow down your career goals and is instrumental to the career exploration process.
Designing Your Career Plan (EDUC 121) is designed to teach students the process of decision-making and the application of this process to career and life choices. Get to know not only the types of careers that exist but how you would fit into those fields.
If you’re thinking of graduate study, learn more about choosing a graduate program, the application process, when to get started and more.
All graduating undergraduate students are encouraged to share their post-graduation plans by taking the Graduating Student Survey. This information is vital for the Career Center to help support students achieve their post-graduation career goals.