Dual Degree Engineering Program

Are you an ambitious person looking to earn two degrees at once? Towson University students may earn one degree at TU and a second at another institution, typically within five years.

students working

By pursuing a dual-degree in engineering, you can earn a B.S. or B.A. from Towson University and a B.S. in engineering from another four-year institution, typically in five years (sometimes longer depending on major requirements).

You may pick any major at Towson University, but most students who pursue this option are TU physics majors. Other natural fits with engineering are biology, chemistry, computer science and mathematics.

The field of engineering is an entry into a world of professional opportunities. Graduates land top-earning positions in all facets of technology, from energy to electronics, and medicine to transportation. Combining your engineering degree with another area of study will give you a variety of skills and depth of expertise highly desirable to employers.


Program Advantages

  • timesaving option for completing two degrees
  • choices in aerospace, biological resources, civil, electrical, fire protection, mechanical and materials science engineering
  • world-class facilities, equipment and resources at both schools
  • a wide array of research opportunities

Program Details

The Dual Degree program in engineering is intended to provide students with a program whereby they can obtain two B.S. degrees in a shorter time than it would take to receive each degree individually. One B.S. degree is from Towson University, while the other is a B.S. in engineering from an institution the student transfers to in order to complete the second degree.

The program is flexible and the amount of time it will take to complete the program will depend on several factors, such as the TU major chosen, the engineering discipline at another institution, and the student’s science and mathematics preparation coming into the program. For most students, it is possible to complete the program in five years (three at TU, two at another institution). Below is a list of expected time to degrees based on current curriculum requirements and assuming a student begins the program with a proper background:

years at tu years at another university
Physics Mechanical 3 2
Physics Electrical 3 2
Physics Civil 3 2
Physics Aerospace 3 2.5 - 3

It is highly advantageous if students begin the program with a mathematical background which includes algebra, geometry, and trigonometry. These students would then take Calculus I and Intro Physics I their first semester. Students who need to take pre-calculus (MATH 119) their first semester can still complete the program according to Table 1, but it will require a heavier course load in their final year at Towson University. Students who do not have the mathematics background needed to take MATH 119 can expect to add 1 – 2 semesters to the above timeline.

Students in the Dual Degree program can major in any discipline they wish. Most students choose a major at Towson University which reflects their interests and has requirements which duplicate those in the engineering program at another university. By choosing a major with duplicate requirements, it is possible to minimize the time to complete the program.

It is strongly encouraged that anyone interested earning a dual degree meet with a dual degree advisor as early in their academic career as possible. Dual degree advisors are:

Department name / email phone
Physics 410-704-2608
Physics 410-704-4737

It is also advantageous for a student in the dual degree program to know which engineering discipline they wish to pursue and where they would like to pursue it, however it is not initially necessary. Most of the courses taken at Towson University during the first 1-2 years will be the same regardless of engineering discipline. By the end of the second year, however, it will be necessary for the student to decide on their engineering major in order to ensure that discipline specific courses needed can be taken in their third year.

Towson University has three major requirements which must be completed in order to receive a B.S. degree from TU:

  1. A student must complete all requirements specified by their major program.
  2. A student must complete all General Education (CORE) requirements.
  3. A student must complete 120 total credits of course work.

Towson University Degree – The program is designed so that students complete requirements 1 and 2 during their time at Towson University. Typically this amounts to ~99 credits of course work. To complete this in three years requires ~16-17 credits of coursework per semester. After the third year at Towson University, the student will transfer to another institution and take 12-15 credits of engineering courses per semester. After their first year at another institution (fourth in the program), the student will then accumulate and transfer back to Towson University the necessary course credits to satisfy requirement 3. At this point the student has satisfied all of Towson University's requirements and can apply for graduation and obtain his/her degree. So the Towson University B.S. degree is typically obtained in four years.

In summary, the timeline is: Towson University degree after 4th year and an engineering degree from another institution after the 5th year.