David R. Ownby, Ph.D.

Professor & Associate Dean, Office of Graduate Studies


Contact Info

AD 301A


B.S., Chemistry
Davidson College
M.S., Environmental Toxicology
Clemson University
Ph.D., Marine Science
The College of William and Mary
Postdoctoral Fellow
Southern Illinois University - Carbondale

Areas of Expertise

Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology

Research Interests

My training in metal fate and mixture effects in the environment led me to my current broad area of research: Stormwater Management. The importance of correctly managing this mixture of metals, PAHs, nutrients, and road salt as it moves from roofs and roads into waterways has both management and policy implications for what materials we use on our cars, roads, housing and how the urban landscape is shaped as development of previously pervious land continues. As part of this focus, the Urban Environmental Biogeochemistry Laboratory (UEBL) has developed new models for understanding the bioavailability of metals to earthworms (a first step into terrestrial ecosystems), collaborated with industry partners to develop low maintenance options for decreasing the bioavailability of copper in roof run-off, provided chemical characterization of yellow perch spawning grounds, and evaluated toxicity of realistic concentrations of these contaminants to local amphibian species.

Recent Poster:

Pollutant Removal Efficiencies of Self-Converted Dry Detention Ponds in Baltimore County, MD (PDF)