TUPD first in Maryland to get prestigious accreditation
USM’s safest campus now accredited by CALEA & IACLEA

The Towson University Police Department[BROKEN LINK] is the first four-year institution in Maryland to receive accreditation by the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Agencies (IACLEA). Less than five percent of the more than 1,000 IACLEA member colleges and universities have received the accreditation.
“This prestigious accreditation is a reflection of our 41 sworn police officers, police communications operators, police aides and support staff who work tirelessly to prevent and respond to campus crimes,” said TU Police Chief Bernie Gerst. “I am happy to see the officers—and the university as a whole—recognized for their efforts towards maintaining campus safety.”
IACLEA accreditation recognizes departments that conform to the highest professional standards for campus law enforcement. Towson’s accreditation included an assessment and peer review of TUPD’s effectiveness in fulfilling 21 key standards of campus policing, ranging from crime prevention programs and emergency notifications to Title IX reporting. The review process also took into account the TUPD’s accreditation by the Commission on the Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA), which measures departments’ adherence with 484 additional standards. The TUPD was accredited by CALEA in 2013.
“The CALEA accreditation process measured the TUPD against the same high standards set for municipal, state and campus police departments,” Chief Gerst said. “IACLEA accreditation further ensures that we measure up to standards tailored specifically to law enforcement on college and university campuses.”
The TUPD is the only police department in the state to have dual accreditation.
“The Towson University Police Department has distinguished itself by achieving recognition by two accrediting organizations, IACLEA and CALEA,” said John Leonard, IACLEA director of accreditation. “Not only is this a significant accomplishment for the department, but it is an achievement in which the entire campus community can be proud.”
The accreditation will last until next year, when TU will reapply for both CALEA and IACLEA accreditation.