Fall guidelines and expectations for COVID-19 vaccination
Vaccination update, important changes beginning August 9.
July 20, 2021

Towson University President Kim Schatzel and Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs Melanie Perreault sent the following message to TU community members July 20.
"Dear Towson University community —
In the coming weeks, we'll return to on-campus learning and living. We have all been looking forward to this return for a long time, and our ability to do so rests upon the strong commitment of our entire community to follow the health and safety measures put in place to protect our fellow Tigers.
Our current campus positivity rate for COVID-19 is 0 percent and we are working hard to ensure that our positivity rate remains very low.
As we are planning on a most robust campus experience, some changes are in store.
This spring, the University System of Maryland (USM) announced that the COVID-19 vaccine would be mandatory for individuals working and learning on campuses this fall. This safety measure has proven the most effective in curtailing this pandemic. To date, more than 70 percent of our campus community is either verified as vaccinated or has an approved exemption. We're in the final stretch to get everyone accounted for in these two processes — to verify your vaccination status, visit towson.edu/vaxverify and to submit an exemption request for approval, visit towson.edu/vaxexempt.
The August 9 deadline to be verified as vaccinated or to have an approved exemption is fast approaching. But don't wait — because doing so will leave you on the outside looking in while your fellow Tigers will be eligible for the grand prizes in our vaccine rewards program: free parking for a year (faculty and staff) or a $5,000 scholarship (students).
Additionally, there will be a series of changes that will go into effect on August 9 based upon your status:
For vaccinated individuals
With a 0 percent positivity rate on campus, the overall risk of COVID-19 is low, and the risk of fully vaccinated individuals to become infected or to transmit the virus is very low.
Those who are fully vaccinated:
- will not have to fill out the Tigers Care QuickScan daily; only when symptomatic
- will not have to undergo sentinel COVID-19 testing
- will not be required to wear masks, except where required for all individuals, including when in a healthcare setting and on public transportation
For unvaccinated individuals
All members of our campus community are expected to comply with the USM vaccination mandate — unless they are approved for exemptions for medical or religious reasons. Unvaccinated individuals are more likely to contract and spread the virus and to face severe symptoms if they contract the virus. Unvaccinated individuals pose a risk of spreading COVID-19 to others who are unvaccinated. We urge you to get vaccinated as soon as possible.
If you are unvaccinated, even with an exemption, you:
- are required to complete the Tigers Care QuickScan daily
- are required to undergo mandatory COVID-19 testing twice a week
- are required to properly wear a mask in all indoor campus locations and also in a healthcare setting and on public transportation
Staff or faculty members not in compliance with the vaccine mandate, testing requirement, QuickScan symptom screening requirement, mask requirement, or any other health and safety requirements, will face progressive discipline, up to and including termination.
Students not in compliance with the vaccine mandate, testing requirement, QuickScan symptom screening requirement, mask requirement or any other health and safety requirements will face student conduct charges and limited access to TU buildings, recreational spaces and will face cancellation of their fall or spring course registration, and if appropriate, their housing contract.
We encourage all Tigers to consult their medical doctors for additional guidance and to submit their proof of vaccination as soon as possible at towson.edu/vaxverify — the upload process only takes a few moments. Remember, the deadline to submit is August 9.
We look forward to a full return to an engaging campus environment this fall, but as has been the case throughout the pandemic, it is imperative that we all show how Tigers Care — by placing our own health and safety and that of those around us at the forefront. All Tigers have a role in our campus health and safety.
Kim Schatzel, Ph.D.
Melanie Perreault, Ph.D.
Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs
Chair, COVID Response Leadership Team"