Button Content

Here’s a brief guide to the button snippet callout. There are options for small, medium and large buttons. This snippet is used in the Main Content Region of the page.

Button Callout Small/Medium

The Button Callout Small/Medium is a single snippet with multiple options. The top row, the “type” field in the snippet, allows you to select the small or medium version.

Button Callout Medium (Default)

The Button Callout Medium is the default snippet. It consists of a call-to-action and a button.

  • By default, two callouts display side by side on full-size desktop screens. At all smaller screen sizes the buttons will stack.
  • The size of the callout boxes will always adjust to be equal, based on the box with more text.
  • Aim for 2-3 lines of text. Never more than 4. Always use sentence case, never all caps. You can emphasize a few key words using bold.

This new button comes in gold or black.

How to Apply

It also allows emphasis on key words.

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Button Callout Small

The Button Callout Small displays the button only.

  • Use this option when the link label is self-explanatory and no additional content is needed.
  • A single button comes in handy when trying to draw attention to a single, important link within a larger section of copy.

Button Callout Large

The Button Callout Large spans the main content area on desktop. It can include one or two buttons.

  • Use this option if you have too much text for a medium button.
  • Aim for 2-3 lines of text. Never more than 4. Always use sentence case, never all caps. You can emphasize certain words using bold.

The larger callout button can be used when you have a single message that needs a little more space

Graduate Programs

Use Cases

Three Buttons

Here’s an example of how to use three buttons (two medium and one large) when you have three calls-to-action.

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TU’s top-ranked graduate programs respond to the emerging work force needs of the region and the nation — from cybersecurity to health care.

Graduate Programs

Single Button

Here’s an example of how to use a single small button when you have just one call-to-action.

Paying for College

At Towson University, we are committed to providing a solid return on your education investment. We want to be sure you and your family understand our tuition rates and other costs.