Ronald Thomas


Ronald Thomas

Contact Info

Hawkins Hall, Room 417C


Ph.D. (1992), University of Maryland

B.S. (1967), M.Ed. (1971),
Towson University

Areas of Expertise

School accountability, Student assessment, Data-driven decision making, Curriculum alignment, School improvement


Thomas, R.  (2017, January). At the speed of teaching:  Data’s last frontier. School Administrator, 74(1), 33-35.

Thomas, R. (2016, June). Book review of Freedom to change: Four strategies to put your inner drive into overdrive, by M. Fullan. School Administrator 73(6), 44.

Thomas, R. (2017, June). Smashing school improvement myths. Presented at the Common Ground Conference, Ocean City, MD.

Thomas, R. (2016, November). Reflections on twenty years as a data coach: What do we know?  What do we have to learn? Presentation to the Maryland Assessment Group (MAG) conference, Ocean City, MD.

Thomas, R. (2016, July). Update on Common Core and PARCC Implementation in Maryland and around the country. Presentation to the Teacher Academy of Maryland, Towson University.

Thomas, R. (2016, July). The Classroom-Focused Improvement Process: The why, what, and how. Presentation to the Cesar Chavez Charter School of Public Policy, District of Columbia.

Thomas, Ronald S. (November 2014). “Embracing Data: It Can Be Done.” Principal Leadership, 15 (3): 46-48.

Thomas, Ronald S. (December 2013). Book Review of Schoolhouse Shams: Myths and Misinformation in School Reform, by Peter Downs (R+L Education Press). School Administrator, 70 (11): 44.

Thomas, Ronald S. (December 2013). Book Review of the Futures of School Reform, by Robert B. Schwartz and Frederick M. Hess (Harvard Education Press). School Administrator , 70 (11): Online.

Thomas, Ronald S. (October 2013). “Riding the Wave: How to Align Your School to the Common Core Standards.” Principal Leadership, 14 (2): 34-38.

Thomas, Ronald S. (September 2013). Book Review of Cage Busting Leadership, by Frederick M. Hess (Harvard Education Press). School Administrator, 70 (9): Online.

Thomas, Ronald S. (December 5, 2012). “Student-Learning Data Are Critical.” Education Week commentary.

Thomas, Ronald S. (June 2012). Book Review of Credibility: How Leaders Gain and Lose It, by James M. Kouzes and Barry Posner (Allyn and Bacon). School Administrator , 69 (6): Online.

Thomas, Ronald. S. (October 24, 2011). “Keys to Professional LearningCommunity Teams.” Marshall Memo, (407): 5-6.

Thomas, Ronald S. (October 2011). “Why School Teams Don’t Analyze Data and What Leaders Can Do About It.” School Administrator, 68 (9): 24-27.

Thomas, Ronald S. (June 15, 2011). “My Nine ‘Truths’ of Data Analysis.” Education Week commentary.

Thomas, Ronald S. (2010). Chapter, “Testing and Assessment 101.” In Annual Editions 2010/2011 Assessment and Evaluation . New York: McGraw-Hill.

Thomas, Ronald S. (November 2010). “Data Processing: Because We Never Taught Them (the Classroom-Focused Improvement Process).” Principal Leadership , 11 (3): 52-57.

Hickey, Michael E. and Thomas, Ronald S. (Winter 2010). “The New Work of School Teams.” Principal Matters, 80 (3): 15-19.

Thomas, Ronald S. (January 2010). Book Review of Instructional Rounds in Education: A Network Approach to Improving Teaching and Learning, by Elizabeth A. City, Richard F. Elmore, and Lee Teitel (Harvard Education Press). School Administrator , 67 (1): 48.

Thomas, Ronald. S. (2006). “Assessment 101: What Every School Board Member Needs to Know.” American School Board Journal, 58 (1): 30-33.

Thomas, Ronald S. (December 2009). Book Review of Think Again: Why Good Leaders Make Bad Decisions and How to Keep It from Happening to You, by Sydney Finkelstein, Jo Whitehead, and Andrew Campbell (Harvard Business School Press). School Administrator, 66 (11): 45.

Thomas, Ronald S. (October 2006). “How to Survive Data Overload.” Principal Leadership , 7 (2): 37-42.

Jay, and Thomas, Ronald S. (2006 ). Viewer’s Guide for DVD: A Visit to a Data-Driven School District. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.


'Data at the Speed of Teaching,' Common Ground 2016 Conference, Ocean City, MD, April 28, 2016.