Community Engagement & Leading School Change Graduate Certificate

The certificate in community engagement and leading for school change will provide students with:

  • A sociological understanding of the race and class dynamics shaping the communities that they serve
  • Tools for developing an asset-based understanding of the students and families with which they work, and
  • Skills for making changes to improve the ways in which schools serve and are accountable to their students, families, and communities.

Through examining sociological theory, understanding the concept of professional learning communities, and implementing action research initiatives, students will increase their capacity for community engagement and school change.

With the four-course sequence, the program will arm school professionals with the knowledge and capacities for making school change in response to community needs. Through this process and seeing the school community as valuable, there will be more authentic change that reflects the voices and values of each community.

This program will teach students how to build change from the bottom up, empowering students, families, and community members to become the drivers of positive change.

Certificate Requirements

View certificate requirements in the Graduate Catalog.

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Program Benefits

  • Engaging and relevant curriculum taught by experienced faculty
  • Coursework from this Graduate Certificate can be applied towards a master’s in Transformational Educational Leadership
  • Flexible course offerings, both on campus and off site