Laura Gough, Ph.D.




Contact Info

Science Complex, Room 5101F


Sc.B., Biology, Brown University

Ph.D., Plant Biology, Louisiana State University

Areas of Expertise

Plant Ecology
Inclusive Excellence in STEM


I am interested in the forces that structure plant communities and how community attributes affect ecosystem function. I have conducted ecological research in arctic tundra, temperate and subtropical wetlands, terrestrial grasslands, and urban ecosystems. Since 2017 I have led inclusive excellence projects dedicated to helping faculty create more and more effective research opportunities for students by developing course-based undergraduate research experiences (CUREs) and learning how to be more inclusive mentors.

Curriculum Vitae 

Courses Taught

BIOL 120: Principles of Biology
BIOL 208: Biodiversity
BIOL 389: Current Developments in Biology: Urban Ecology
BIOL 402: General Ecology
BIOL 484: Seminar in Ecology, Evolution, Conservation and Behavior
BIOL 611: Global Change Biology