
Available Provost's Budget Office forms.

Additional Compensation Faculty eForm

FACS Cancellations

Faculty Search Request DocuSign Forms

Faculty Appointment DocuSign Forms 

*Please attach email/documentation from the Office of the Provost supporting any contract terms of faculty appointment (eg. tenure review year, etc.)

Candidate Reimbursement DocuSign Form

Lodging / Meal Ticket Request Forms

Staff/Contingent OHR Forms

(Log in and go to Human Resources)

Summer Forms

Graduate Program Director Summer Contract-Now located in the Office of Graduate Studies

TUNE Travel Reimbursement Instructions


Any faculty member who teaches a three (3) or four (4) credit face to face or hybrid formatted course at TUNE, may request reimbursement for travel at the approved state government rate up to 32 miles one-way/64 miles round-trip each day the course is taught on-site at TUNE. Reimbursement will be made for only one round-trip to/from TUNE in a single day. 

If the distance between a faculty member’s home and TUNE is less than 32 miles, then the faculty who teach a three or four-credit face to face or hybrid course on-site at TUNE, may request reimbursement for travel at the approved state government rate for the lesser home to TUNE distance but not the greater TU to TUNE 32-mile distances. If the distance from the faculty member’s home and TUNE is more than 32 miles, then the faculty member who teaches a three or four credit face-to-face or hybrid formatted course on-site at TUNE may request reimbursement for travel at the approved state government rate for only the trip from campus to TUNE as calculated by the Provost’s Budget Office (32 miles one-way/64 miles round trip) not the mileage from home to TUNE. 

A Travel Expense Report must be submitted through Stratus for reimbursement.  The report must include electronic files of the appropriate mileage log/s and supporting documentations including maps confirming distance traveled (home to TU, home to TUNE, TU to TUNE) and toll receipts if applicable.


Mileage Log:

For assistance, please email stratus financials at