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Tigers Lead ProgramNavigate to the Towson University CliftonStrengths website and log in through Single Sign On with your TU username and password. The CliftonStrengths assessment is online and will take approximately 35-minutes (more time is available to accommodate all students).
Yes, Towson University supplies one assessment for each student or faculty/staff member. Just log back in using your TU username and password at towson.my.gallup.com! Your results and reports will be accessible for your entire time at TU.
Your student e-mail address allows you to take the assessment once. Because talents are naturally enduring, it is unlikely that your talents will change significantly over the course of your Towson University experience. However, by shifting your focus and acquiring new skills and knowledge to capitalize on your greatest talents in different ways, you can develop new strengths.
According to Gallup, a talent is "a naturally recurring pattern of thought, feeling or behavior that can be productively applied;" and a strength is "the ability to consistently provide near-perfect performance in a specific activity." The key to building a strength is to identify your dominant talents, then complement them by acquiring knowledge and skills pertinent to the activity.
The chances of having the exact same Top Five (5) Talent Themes in the exact order as someone else is 1 in 33.39 million. The chances of having the same Top Five (5) Talent Themes as someone else (but in a different order) is approximately 1 in 340,000.
Top Five (5) Talent Themes won't dictate specific majors or careers that an individual should pursue. For example, having the talent theme of "Analytical" does not mean that a person should pursue a major in math or computer science. Instead, consider how the person can apply his/her talents to the majors and/or careers that are of the greatest interest to her/him or how the skills and knowledge gained through a specific major and/or career will provide opportunities to transform a person's talents into strengths.
Schedule a Strengths Coaching appointment Strengths Coaching appointment via Handshake to further explore opportunities to understand and leverage your strengths in the career decision-making and job search processes.
Talents are the "raw materials" required for strengths development, and the more dominant the talents, the greater the opportunity for strength. The instrument measures the presence of talents - naturally recurring patterns of thought, feeling, or behavior that can be productively applied - in 34 areas, or "themes." However, to provide focus on your most dominant talents, only your top five themes are revealed.
You are able to purchase your entire results on the Gallup store website.
A general list of the 34 themes can be found here.
The CliftonStrengths assessment is offered in 20 languages. When you create your account, there will be an option to choose a language for the assessment.
You'll have to retake the CliftonStrengths assessment. Your account should be automatically reset so that you can take the assessment again. Log back in using the username and password that you used to create your account and you should be directed to retake CliftonStrengths.