Animal Facility Inspections

The IACUC meets semi-annually to conduct full reviews and inspect animal facilities. In addition, the USDA may also conduct inspections for covered species housed on campus.

What is a Semi-Annual Inspection?

The IACUC meets semi-annually (spring and fall) to conduct full committee reviews and inspect animal facilities. All laboratories that house animals will be inspected on these meeting dates for compliance.

Principal Investigators (PI’s) and/or lab managers will be contacted approximately one month prior to the IACUC’s meeting to prepare for the inspection.


The IACUC expects that all facilities maintain general animal care compliance in accordance with all laws, regulations and policies as outlined by PHS and OLAW. Examples of what the IACUC will look for during the inspection includes, but is not limited to:

  • feeding and cleaning logs maintained
  • all food, medicines, and supplements are not exceeding expiration dates
  • appropriate protective gear and laboratory procedures are in place and visible to laboratory personnel
  • emergency contact information is placed in a visible and accessible location for laboratory personnel
  • housing requirements are appropriate for the species being housed

If PI’s have any questions regarding laboratory compliance, they should consult the IACUC for more information. 


Once the IACUC has compiled all notes from the inspection, PI’s and/or lab managers, as well as respective department chairpersons, will be contacted with a copy of the report. If any deficiencies are noted in your report, the IACUC requires them to be addressed in a specified timeframe given in the notice that you will receive. The IACUC will be briefed on the update during the next meeting, and will re-evaluate the deficiencies during their facility inspection. 


Please note that if your facility houses USDA covered species, that the USDA will conduct a separate annual inspection of your protocol and laboratory. These inspections are not announced in advance, but generally take place anytime from late spring to early fall. Due to the nature of these unannounced visits, it is understandable that PI’s may not be present when the USDA conducts their inspection. A representative from OSPR or the IACUC will have key access to your facility to allow the USDA inspector entry into your room.

For more information on what to expect from USDA inspections and which animals are considered USDA covered species, please visit the USDA’s page on the Animal Welfare Act.