2-Year-Old Program

The life of a two-year old is not easy. They are realizing the world no longer revolves around them like it has when they were an infant. But life's not terrible. It's just a bit complex and overwhelming at times. They are trying to understand the world and their curiosity and drive sometimes look like trouble​. A two-year old is a force to be reckoned with, a busy brain on the go. We should never underestimate them!

This nature and arts curriculum is the starting point for our developmentally appropriate programming. We use our project approach and the Healthy Beginnings framework from Maryland State Department of Education for our lesson planning, as well as the Ages & Stages developmental screenings for assessment. MSDE requires this program’s teacher to student ratio to be 1:6.  The center strives to keep it approximately 1:4. A Lead Teacher is the facilitator, and two student assistants support the classroom community.