Aging, Community & Meaningful Engagement

The purpose of the ACME project is to evaluate the preliminary effectiveness of an intervention program developed to support functional cognition and the ability to engage in out-of-home activities while aging in place. We are particularly interested in how individuals with mild cognitive changes are impacted and whether outcomes sustain well-being and mitigate cognitive loss. Research suggests that cognitive skills can be learned, but do not always transfer into “real life” settings. This research will contribute to a better understanding of this relationship and should yield a local intervention that will benefit many older adults in this region. 


You may be eligible to participate if:

  • you are 65 years of age or older
  • you live at home (in a non-institutional setting) in the Baltimore Metro Area
  • you have experienced cognitive changes such as short-term memory gaps, community mobility challenges, or slowed mental processes

Research Activities

Research activities include four (4) 90-minute sessions at the Institute for Wellbeing, with individualized education and assessment. Questionnaires and standardized assessments will be used to assess the programs effectiveness. All participants completing the pilot program will receive a $100 gift card.

The pilot program will be conducted October-November 2022.