Frequently Asked Questions

The following catagories provide answers to common questions regarding the School Psychology Graduate Program.
- Program Information Questions
- Application Information
- Prerequisite Information
- GRE Information
- Miscellaneous
Program Information Questions
I already hold a graduate degree in a related field to school psychology and need a few more courses and internship hours for certification. Can I meet these requirements without being formally admitted to the school psychology program?
In general, all students need to be formally admitted into the school psychology program in order to complete coursework leading to certification as a school psychologist. In some cases, an individual needs only a few courses (based on a transcript review conducted by the Maryland State Department of Education) to be certified as a school psychologist in Maryland and some of these courses may be completed as a non-degree-seeking student. (Prior to receiving credentialing as a certified school psychologist, you will also need to earn a passing score on the Praxis II examination in School Psychology). Please note that most assessment courses, all practicum courses, and internship are available only to students accepted into Towson University's School Psychology program. This is in part due to University policy that 700-level courses are restricted to graduate students enrolled in a graduate program (rather than taking courses as nondegree students) and because we cover students engaged in all field experiences under our University’s liability insurance. Thus, we require that anyone engaged in field experiences have passed the necessary coursework prior to beginning practicum and internship.
How long does it take to complete the program?
A full-time student can complete the program in three years, including summer sessions. During the third year students complete a full-time internship, which is usually a paid position.
Can I continue to work full-time while enrolled in the program?
The Graduate Program in School Psychology enrolls students on a full-time basis only; thus it is not possible to work full-time and complete program requirements. As a full-time student, you will complete four courses during Fall semester and four courses during Spring semester of the first and second years. You are also required to take two three-credit courses during the summer session between the first and second year of the program. While most students work part-time during their first two years of the program, students do not work full-time. Typically, students are able to work 20 hours per week and still complete program requirements. Third year students are enrolled in a full-time internship and thus are not able to work in addition to this 35-40 hour per week experience.
Is it possible to complete the program on a part-time basis?
While students may not begin the program on a part-time basis, the faculty is
aware that, in unusual circumstances, financial, family, or other constraints
prevent them from continuing full-time study.
In order to ensure that students can fully benefit from their graduate education,
students completing the program on a part-time basis must take two courses per
semester. They must also take at least one course during each summer and
must complete both Practica over two consecutive semesters (Fall and Spring of
the same academic year), during the year immediately prior to beginning the
internship. They must adhere to all internship guidelines as stated in the
Internship Handbook. The Internship may be completed on a part-time basis over
two consecutive years. Part-time students may take more than two courses per
Can I apply for the certificate of advanced studies (CAS) by itself if I already have a master’s degree in School Psychology?
If you have already earned a master’s degree in school psychology, courses from
a previous degree in school psychology must be equivalent to courses in the
School Psychology program in order to be accepted toward fulfilling
requirements. Courses that have been taken for the previous M.A. will be
reviewed for content and currency by the program director. Additionally, you must
earn a minimum of 30 units in our School Psychology program to graduate with
the CAS, as well as complete the culminating internship. Other requirements will
be determined on an individual basis.
Can I apply for the CAS by itself if I have a master’s degree in a field other than school psychology?
Aside from students already possessing a master’s degree in school psychology
(as described above) you cannot receive either the Master's or the CAS by itself.
Our program is a 66-credit program that results in a Master's degree and
Certificate of Advanced Study (CAS). (You may also hear this referred to as the
“Specialist Level” ). We do not admit students for the CAS, alone, or the Master's
degree, alone; all 66 credits must be completed. If you have a Master's degree or
have completed coursework in School Psychology, some of the classes may be
waived at the discretion of the program director, but you will still be required to
complete a total of 66 credits. Classes that were part of an earned degree
(except for a degree in school psychology) cannot be used toward completion of
the MA/CAS.
If I have a master's in a field other than school psychology, how will my previous credits in psychology be counted?
Classes that were part of an earned degree cannot be used toward completion of
the MA/CAS; therefore, although a few courses may be accepted in lieu of
required courses, you must complete 66 credit hours to earn the MA/CAS in
school psychology. Although you may have taken a course that has a similar title
to one required in the school psychology program, our content is specific to
children and adolescents in the school setting. If you have taken a course that
you think fulfills a course requirement, a syllabus and course description will
need to be submitted for approval by the director. If the course is approved, you
will be allowed to take an elective in its place, but must still complete 66 credit
hours. Coursework that is outdated in the judgment of the director will need to be
May I take classes before I am accepted into the program?
In general, school psychology courses requiring special permits may not be
taken unless you have been accepted formally into the program. However, a few
courses are required by the program that are more “general” in nature and do not
usually require special permits. These courses may be taken by non-degreeseeking students
and, upon admission, will be credited toward completion of the
program. Prospective students take these courses at their own risk; taking them
does not guarantee admission into the program. However, please know that
taking courses prior to official acceptance into the program will not expedite your
graduation date. This is because of the need to take particular courses in
sequence and the need to complete a two-semester practicum sequence prior to
the internship. Taking courses before entry into the program will allow lighter
loads during some regular semesters, and perhaps will allow fewer courses
during the summers. Examples of such courses are:
Advanced Experimental Design (687), and with permission from the instructor,Exceptional Child (733).
I have taken one or more of the program of study required courses. Can I transfer those courses and not be required to take them at Towson?
All course transfers must be approved by the program director. A maximum of 12 transfer credits may be applied to the degree.
In addition the course must:
- be from a regionally accredited university
- be considered a graduate course at its home university
- be a graded course (rather than a Pass/Fail course)
- not have been used in a conferred degree
- fit into the seven-year time period for completion of a master's degree
And the student must:
- earn a B or better in the course
- supply an official transcript (not a grade report) that shows the course, date
taken, and grade - supply an official course description
Upon graduating from the program, for what certifications will I be eligible?
The program meets NASP training standards and is NASP approved, so
graduates are eligible for national certification (NCSP) upon passing the Praxis
Examination in School Psychology (a national examination offered through the
ETS). Graduates of the program are eligible for Maryland State Department of
Education (MSDE) certification as a school psychologist upon passing the Praxis
Exam in School Psychology with the score set by MSDE. In order to become
certified in other states, it is necessary to have graduate transcripts reviewed by
that particular State Department of Education unless that state accepts the
NCSP credential.
Am I able to apply to the Towson school psychology program if I was not a psychology major as an undergraduate?
Yes. As long as you have completed at least 21 credits in Psychology, including
our five prerequisites, you are given equal consideration for our program
Application Information
How do I apply to the program?
Application is made directly to the university. Applications can be obtained by calling the graduate school office at 410-704-2501 or can be printed off or completed online on the Graduate Admissions website. All materials (transcripts, application*, application fee, GRE scores**, letters of recommendation, letter of intent, and resumes) must be sent directly to the graduate school office. Once processed, they will be forwarded to the School Psychology office. The program faculty will review all of the applications and decide which candidates will be interviewed for possible admission. All students will receive notification of a decision in the Spring, either in writing from the graduate school or from the School Psychology office. Students are admitted into the program in the Fall semester only, and applications must be received in the graduate school office by January 15th in order to be considered for the following Fall.
What address do I mail my application materials to?
Please send ALL application materials (transcripts, application*, application fee, GRE scores**, letters of recommendation, letter of intent, and resumes) to:
Graduate School Towson University
8000 York Road
Towson, MD 21252
*If you do the application online, you do not have to send a paper copy **Your GRE scores must be sent from ETS (the testing service that does the GREs). Student copies of scores are not accepted.
I applied to the school psychology program. When will I hear if I have been accepted?
We review applications immediately after the deadline on January 15th. By the end of February, we invite 30-40 (of about 100) applicants to campus for a group and individual interview. Those interviews are typically scheduled during late February or March. Our final decision is made around the beginning of April. We ultimately admit 14-16 students to the program each year.
I’m not sure whether my application will be competitive. What does the average” application profile look like?
The "average" scores of the incoming Fall 2017 class were as follows: Verbal GRE: 153, Analytic Writing GRE: 4.25, and GPA: 3.60.
What are the minimum GPA and GRE score requirements?
Based on GRE's taken after August 1, 2011, we require a 146 Verbal GRE score, a 4.0 on the Analytical Writing section, and a minimum GPA of 3.0. An applicant with scores slightly lower may be considered for an interview if the applicant has significant strengths in other areas.
What can I do if my GPA is lower than 3.0?
If your GPA is lower than 3.0, retake undergraduate classes or take graduate level classes to boost your GPA.
What is the timeline for the interview process?
After reviewing all applications after the January 15th deadline, we extend offers for interviews to an initial group of applicants. Those interviews are held in middle to late March. At times we hold additional interviews in late April if we still have spots left in the program. For that reason, you may not receive a final notification of your status until middle to late April. Once the program is filled (typically by April 15) the Graduate School sends emails to those who were not interviewed with the final decision.
Who should write my letters of recommendations?
We prefer that at least one of your references be from a professor. Other qualified persons may include academic advisors, job supervisors, or thesis advisors. Letters from family friends or from individuals who know you personally but not professionally carry significantly less weight in the review process.
Prerequisite Information
What classes can I substitute for the required prerequisites?
Social Psychology - Nothing can be substituted for Social Psychology; this class provides a great deal
of background information that students are expected to have when they enter the program.
Educational Psychology/Behavior Modification - You can take any class that addresses principles of operant learning and behavior
modification. Some examples include: Behavior Management, Behavior Theory, Applied
Behavior Analysis.
Behavioral Statistics - This must be a statistics course, preferably designed for psychology and/or social
science majors. Statistics courses taken through a math department might be appropriate
at the Program Director’s discretion.
Abnormal Psychology - Another common course title that fulfill this requirement is “Psychopathology.”
To fulfill this requirement, a course must review the major categories of psychiatric
disorders as described in the DSM-V.
Experimental Psychology - This should be a research course with a lab component. Experimental Design and
Research Design courses also fulfill this requirement.
Developmental Psychology - Any developmental course dealing with child development or development across the
lifespan will be accepted. Some of these include: Child Development, Adolescent Development,
Human Development, and Development Across the Lifespan.
**If you are unsure whether a course would count for one of the requirements, e-mail our graduate assistants and include a course description and/or attach a syllabus.
Can I take classes at a community college to cover my prerequisites for the program?
Yes, you can take classes at any accredited university or college in order to complete your prerequisites required for acceptance into the program.
What if I am missing prerequisites, will I still have an opportunity to have an interview and be accepted into the program?
If you are missing only one prerequisite, you will be given equal consideration for an interview as those applicants who have all prerequisites completed. If you are missing two or more, you may have less chance of getting an interview. In this situation, please include an explanation of how you will complete the prerequisites prior to beginning the program if you were to be accepted.
What if I will be taking one or more prerequisites during spring semester of the year I am applying?
Please include this information in your letter of intent or in a separate note so that we are aware of this. If you plan to take one or more courses in the spring, you will get credit for those prerequisites contingent upon receiving a C or better in the course.
If I am accepted, can I take my missing prerequisites when I start the program in the fall?
You must complete all prerequisites before starting the program unless specific arrangements have been made with the program director.
GRE Information
How do I sign up to take the GRE? Where can I get practice?
By when does Towson need to receive my GRE scores?
We highly prefer that GRE scores are sent to the university by January 15th. If that is not possible, you must include in your letter of intent: when the test will be taken, and when we will be receiving the scores. We will review applications and possibly invite you for an interview if your other materials are strong AND contingent on acceptable GRE scores.
What GRE scores do I need to get into the program? What are the average scores of students accepted into your program?
Minimum required scores for admission are 146 or above in verbal and math sections, and 4.0 or above in the analytical writing section. An applicant with scores slightly lower may be accepted if the applicant has strengths in other areas (GPA, letters of recommendation, letter of intent, experience, prerequisites completed, etc.). The average scores for students admitted into the program are about 153 for the verbal section and 4.00 for analytical writing.
I took the GRE years ago. Will my scores still be accepted, or do I need to retake it?
Your scores will be valid for five years. After that, you will need to retake the test.
I have a master's/graduate degree already but have not taken the GRE. Do I need to take them?
If your Master's is in a related Psychology concentration (Clinical, Counseling, etc.) you do not need to take the GRE. Students who already possess a Master's degree or higher in a related Psychology concentration will have their graduate GPAs considered in lieu of the GRE. However, students with Master's in any other fields, including education-related areas, will still need to take the GRE.
Which GRE test do I take? Do I need to take the psychology subject test?
You need to take the GRE General test. The General test includes a section of each of the following: verbal, math, and analytic writing. We primarily consider verbal and writing scores. You do not need to take the Psychology subject test.
Will you accept my “student copy” of my GRE scores, or do you need an official copy from ETS?
We need an official copy from ETS, the company that offers the GREs. Unofficial or “student copies” are not accepted.
What is Towson’s “institution code” so that I can get my GRE scores sent from ETS?
What is the difference between guidance counselors and school psychologists?
A school psychologist plays many roles in a school such as: assessing and diagnosing psychological and educational disabilities; serving on school based problem-solving teams; counseling students in groups and individually; providing consultation to teachers, administrators, and parents; designing and implementing academic and behavioral interventions; and conducting staff development workshops. Typically school psychologists serve more than one school within a school system and may deal with more difficult behavioral and academic concerns than do school guidance counselors. Towson does NOT offer programs in guidance counseling or school counseling. You may wish to contact the following schools instead:
Loyola University Maryland:
Johns Hopkins University:
You may also wish to review our national organization’s website for more information
I have a Master's in a related profession (e.g., teaching; special education; clinical psychology). Can I take classes for certification as a school psychologist?
All students need to be formally admitted into the school psychology program in order to complete coursework leading to certification as a school psychologist. In some cases, an individual needs only a few courses (based on a transcript review conducted by the Maryland State Department of Education) to be certified as a school psychologist. These individuals should contact the program director to discuss their situation. Please note that most assessment courses, all practicum courses, and internship are available only to students accepted into the School Psychology program.