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Build a strong foundation of technology skills to help you stand out in this growing, in-demand field of healthcare. The program is offered with online and in-person courses.
Information technology drives changes in the delivery of healthcare information that can improve patient care. Organizations need highly qualified and educated professionals to lead and direct health informatics initiatives.
The health information technology graduate certificate is designed to offer students an interdisciplinary curriculum that provides knowledge and skills in both health care and information technology. This program offers students specialized instruction to foster intellectual inquiry, critical thinking, creativity and adaptability to craft solutions that will address public and societal needs.
The program is intended for students who have a bachelor’s degree in a computing-related field and who wish to master information technology skills widely needed in the health care industry. The program may also interest you if:
When you’re ready to advance your education, you may seamlessly transfer your graduate certificate credits toward the complete master’s degree program in applied information technology.
The program is offered in a hybrid format, with online and in-person courses.
AIT 600 Information Technology (3)
AIT 610 Systems Development Process (3)
HLTH 633 Health Care Systems (3) (*)
HCMN 535 Health Information and Quality Management (*)
AIT 645 Health Data Analytics or AIT 644 Healthcare Information Technology (3)
AIT 740 Case Studies in Healthcare Information Technology (3)
(*) HLTH 633 and HCMN 535 follow the regular in-state or out-of-state graduate tuition and not the Applied Information Technology rate structure.
Note: Graduate students from the College of Health Professions enrolling for the HIT Graduate Certificate can replace AIT 600 with HLTH 652.
View information about certificate requirements and course descriptions in the Graduate Catalog.
Admission requirements and deadlines for the certificate are the same as those for the applied information technology master’s program.