Towson University hosts USM Symposium on Civic Education and Civic Engagement with Senator Ben Cardin
TU, an award-winning civic engagement campus, joins national and state leaders to discuss civic education efforts in higher ed

On Friday, Towson University President Mark R. Ginsberg welcomed attendees to TU's campus for the annual University System of Maryland (USM) Symposium on Civic Education and Civic Engagement.
More than 150 attended the day-long event, which featured leaders in civic engagement and higher education, including students, faculty and staff from all 12 USM universities. Dignitaries included U.S. Sen. Ben Cardin, Maryland Secretary of Service & Civic Innovation Paul Monteiro and USM Chancellor Jay A. Perman.
TU’s Vernon J. Hurte, vice president for student affairs, hosted the keynote session with Sen. Cardin. It was a reflective and inspiring conversation about Cardin’s life of service and commitment to democracy.
Civic engagement is a priority outlined in TU’s strategic plan and is reinforced through on-campus partnerships. “As I’ve often said, the commitment to civic engagement is a part of TU’s DNA,” Hurte said. “We feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to host this symposium, which has been filled with deep discussions about the critical importance of civic education and engagement to the student experience across all of our campuses in the USM and beyond.”
The event also included interactive workshops and a panel discussion with student leaders from across USM.
TU’s community and civic engagement ecosystem is guided by collaboration between the Office of Civic Engagement & Social Responsibility, the Office of Partnerships and Outreach/BTU and the Office of Inclusion & Institutional Equity.
Learn more about TU’s commitment to civic engagement here.