Maryland Workforce Outlook Forum
Innovation enables us to achieve remarkable things. And more than ever it is necessary to collaborate to find transformative solutions.
The Maryland Workforce Outlook Forum brings together leaders in business, workforce, and education to find common ground for where transformation and innovation can occur. It is a place to collaborate and to find solutions for the workforce and economic challenges facing our institutions and our state.
Disparities have major economic implications. Finding equitable solutions is critical for Maryland.
View PresentationRESI will collaborate with partners to identify major issues, potential solutions, and success stories.
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2019 Agenda, Presentations, and Photos
Addressing Human Disparities Across Our State
From urban Baltimore to suburban Prince George’s County to the rural Eastern Shore, many neighborhoods and communities are falling behind in health, education, and standard of living, compared to wealthier areas of the state. Although the causes for disparities are different, the outcomes appear very similar.
Understanding these human disparities is important. Not only does it help to uncover inequalities and how they manifest over time, it makes economic sense. This knowledge can lead to a better understanding of how policies can make a difference on individual prosperity and community wellbeing across Maryland.
The 2019 Maryland Workforce Outlook Forum looked at human disparities across our state, what these disparities mean for residents, and discussed solutions to work towards more equitable communities.
View photos from the 2019 Maryland Workforce Outlook Forum
Welcome remarks were given by
Dr. Daraius Irani, Vice President, Towson University
Dr. Kim Schatzel, President, Towson University
Presentation on statewide human disparities index
Measuring Disparities in Human Development Across Maryland by Michael Siers, director of research, Regional Economic Studies Institute
Panel discussion featuring leaders who are addressing disparities to improve lives
- Moderator: Dr. Daraius Irani, vice president, Strategic Partnerships and Applied Research
- Dr. Elyshia Aseltine, associate professor, Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Criminal Justice
- Lynne Kahn, founder, Baltimore Hunger Project
- Dr. Terris King, chair, Board of Directors, Family League of Baltimore
- Martin Schwartz, president, Vehicles for Change
2018 Agenda, Presentations, and Photos
Why Diversity and Inclusion Matter to Maryland's Workforce
An inclusive workplace allows organizations to be more creative, competitive, and innovative. But hiring diverse populations is just the first step. Diversity and inclusion also involves community engagement, purchasing, and addressing issues of implicit bias. This event provides opportunity to:
- Understand how businesses and organizations are creating pipelines into the workforce for diverse populations
- Learn about the impactful work being done to increase diversity and inclusion in the workforce
- Gain ideas to replicate what's working into your organization
- Build new relationships that guide our region toward greater economic prosperity for all Marylanders
View photos from the 2018 Maryland Workforce Outlook Forum
Welcome remarks were given by
Kim Schatzel, PhD, President, Towson University
Daraius Irani, PhD, Vice President, Towson University
Workforce Outlook Presentation with Q&A
Employment and Racial Disparities in Maryland’s Workforce Pipeline
Mike Siers, Senior Research Manager, Regional Economic Studies Institute (RESI), Towson University
What's Working and Why: The Lightning Presentations
Each of these initiatives demonstrate innovative and authentic work being done throughout Greater Baltimore to create a more inclusive and equitable workforce.
Building an Inclusive Organization in Five Steps
Leah Cox, PhD, Vice President for Inclusion and Institutional Equity, Towson University
Exceeding Diversity Goals to Make Greater Impacts
Calvin G. Butler Jr., Chief Executive Officer, Baltimore Gas and Electric (BGE)
Addressing the Workforce Shortage of Women in Computer Science
Heather Lageman, Program Manager, Council of Educational Administrative and Supervisory Organizations of Maryland (CEASOM) Code.org Regional Partner Program
Jumpstarting Careers in the Construction Industry
Willy Moore, President, Southway Builders
Taking a Chance on Moms
Tammira Lucas, Co-Founder, Moms as Entrepreneurs
Creating Economic Inclusion via Purchasing and Hiring Goals
Kylie Patterson, Senior Advisor for Local Economic Inclusion, The Johns Hopkins University
Opening Up Barriers to Wealth for Frontline Workers of Color
Clair Watson-Minson, Workforce Strategist, Associated Black Charities
What's Working and Why: The Town Hall
An opportunity to ask questions and gain a better understanding of their work and how it might be replicated in your organization.
Networking Reception
Catering and service provided by students of Woodland Job Corps Center.
2017 Agenda, Presentations, and Photos
View photos from the 2017 Maryland Workforce Outlook Forum
Welcome remarks were given by
Kim Schatzel, President, Towson University
Kelly M. Schulz, Secretary, Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation
Louis Dubin, Chair, Governor's Workforce Development Board
Business and Anchor Institution Partnerships to Aid Workforce Development
What does real policy change take and look like? This panel highlights new initiatives and strategies that businesses and higher education institutions are taking to bolster local school capacity, grow student achievement, and prepare individuals for careers.
Moderator: Kurt Sommer, Director, Baltimore Integration Partnership
Karen DeCamp, Director, Neighborhood Programs, Strong City Baltimore
Cathy Morgan, Regional Director-Baltimore, NPower
Sally Scott Marietta, Corporate Citizenship & Corporate Affairs Program Manager, IBM
Defining Opportunity Youth and the Economic Conditions and Workforce Impacts of Opportunity Youth
Approximately 16,000 individuals (16 to 24) who are neither enrolled in school nor participating in the labor market call Baltimore home. How do we create real pathways in education and in the workforce for these opportunity youth? What does a typical path look like? What are businesses doing to support and hire opportunity youth?
Panelists will define opportunity youth, provide workforce impact analysis, and discuss initiatives and programs that are working in Greater Baltimore and beyond.
Workforce Outlook Presentation
Julie Knight, Managing Director, Regional Economic Studies Institute (RESI), Towson University
Panel Discussion
Jason Perkins-Cohen, Director, Mayor's Office of Employment Development
Rae Gallagher, Deputy Director, The Choice Program, The Shriver Center, UMBC
Chris MacLarion, Director, Apprenticeship and Training, Maryland Division of Labor, Licensing & Regulation
Ed Roberts, Cybersecurity Coordinator – Outreach & Recruitment, Community College of Baltimore County – Cybersecurity Institute
Tiya Townes, program completer, Woodstock Job Corps Center
A Look at Neuro-Diversity and the Economic Conditions and Workforce Impacts of Neuro-Diversity
58% of young adults on the autism spectrum are unemployed. Yet, many have skills businesses are looking for and are implementing programs to train and hire neuro-diverse individuals. How do these programs start? How can businesses sustain and support these workforce programs?
Panelists will define neuro-diversity, provide workforce impact analysis, and highlight business owners who are successfully integrating neuro-diverse individuals into their workplaces.
Workforce Outlook Presentation
Mike Siers, Senior Research Manager, Regional Economic Studies Institute (RESI), Towson University
Introductory Remarks
Carol Beatty, Secretary, Maryland Department of Disabilities
Panel Discussion
Jeff Richardson, President and Chief Executive Officer, Mosaic Community Services
Sarah Dwyer, Owner, Chouquette
Pamela Butler, Disability Employment Strategist and Wounded Warrior Internship Programs Manager, National Security Agency
Lee Armstrong, Autism Services Supervisor, Maryland State Department of Education Department of Rehabilitation Services
Audra Jones, Vice President, T. Rowe Price
2016 Agenda, Presentations, and Photos
View photos from the 2016 Maryland Workforce Outlook Forum
Welcome Remarks were given by
Kim Schatzel, President, Towson University
Kelly M. Schulz, Secretary, Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation
Francis "Hall" Chaney III, Chair, Governor's Workforce Investment Board
Workforce Outlook
Dr. Daraius Irani, Chief Economist, Regional Economic Studies Institute
Dr. Irani goes beyond the typical employment forecast to highlight the top 10 occupations
and job sectors that are predicted to grow in Maryland.
View Dr. Irani's Presentation Slides
Lightning Presentations were given by
Innovators from diverse sectors around our region highlight successful methods and partnerships that address workforce, business, and educational challenges facing them.
Will Holman, General Manager, Open WorksOpening this fall, this incubator will bring affordable state-of-the-art technology,
facilities, and training to support Baltimore's creative economy.
View Will's Presentation Slides
Jason Stambaugh, CEO, LaunchGen
A new platform that fosters entrepreneurship and business development in high school
students through a turn-key student business competition program.
View Jason's Presentation Slides
Homer Minnick, Director, Cyber Security Academy at UMBC Training Centers
A partnership with colleges and community colleges that provides highly focused skills
training to address the cyber workforce needs of the Government and the commercial
View Homer's Presentation Slides
Laura Spada, Executive Director, Baltimore Alliance for Careers in Healthcare
A nonprofit dedicated to eliminating the critical shortage of qualified healthcare
workers in Baltimore by creating opportunities for residents to pursue careers in
health professions through career ladders, education, and coaching.
View Laura's Presentation Slides
Jan Houbolt, co-chair of the Board of Directors, Thread
Thread engages underperforming high school students confronting significant barriers
outside of the classroom by providing each one with a family of committed volunteers
and increased access to community resources.
View Jan's Presentation Slides
Dr. Melissa Page, National Security Agency (NSA)
A briefing will be provide on the NSA’s Training with Industry Program
View Melissa's Presentation Slides
Facilitated Discussion Groups
These groups identify opportunities to scale up successful programs, identify cross-sector collaborations, and identify the needs associated with specific GWIB Taskforce Groups of cyber security/information technology, advanced manufacturing, skilled trades, and health care.
Event Sponsors
The Maryland Workforce Outlook Forum is hosted and sponsored in partnership by the Regional Economic Studies Institute and the Maryland Governor’s Workforce Development Board.