Economic Outlook Forum

For 25+ years, the Regional Economics Studies Institute (RESI) has invited business leaders, politicians, notable speakers, and educators to provide thoughtful commentary and dialogue on the state of Maryland’s economy.

Economic Outlook Forum

Thursday, November 7, 2024
The StarTUp at the Armory

  • 8:15 a.m.: Check-in and Continental Breakfast
  • 9:00 a.m.: Forum begins

Join RESI and community and business leaders for the 2024 Economic Outlook Forum. 

Chief Economist Dr. Daraius Irani will provide the annual economic outlook forecast for our state with a focus on the various regional, national and international events and trends impacting Maryland’s economy.



Past Event Details

RESI Chief Economist Dr. Daraius Irani provided the annual economic outlook forecast for our state with a focus on the various regional, national and international events and trends impacting Maryland’s economy.

RESI Chief Economist Dr. Daraius Irani provided the annual economic outlook forecast for our state with a focus on the various regional, national and international events and trends impacting Maryland’s economy.

8:15 a.m.—Registration opens and breakfast available

9:00 a.m.—Welcome Remarks

  • Kim Schatzel, Ph.D.
    President, Towson University 

9:10 a.m.—The Economic Outlook

  • Daraius Irani, Ph.D.
    Chief Economist, Regional Economic Studies Institute
    Vice President, Strategic Partnerships and Applied Research, Towson University

RESI Chief Economist Dr. Daraius Irani provided the annual economic forecast for our state, with a focus on COVID-19 economic recovery and capital investments being made in Towson.

8:30 a.m.—Registration opens and breakfast available

9:00 a.m.—Welcome Remarks

  • Kim Schatzel, Ph.D.
    President, Towson University 

9:10 a.m.—The Economic Outlook

  • Daraius Irani, Ph.D.
    Chief Economist, Regional Economic Studies Institute
    Vice President, Strategic Partnerships and Applied Research, Towson University

Stranger Things Edition

8:30 a.m.—Registration opens and breakfast available

9:00 a.m.—Welcome Remarks

  • Mike Siers
    Director of Research, Regional Economic Studies Institute
  • Kim Schatzel, Ph.D.
    President, Towson University 
  • Johnny Olszewski, Jr.
    Baltimore County Executive

9:15 a.m.—The Economic Outlook

Welcome to Hawkins. The national economy is doing well, and the labor market is approaching full employment. However, dark forces lurk just below the surface. Brexit, slowdowns in Germany, and an ever-expanding trade war are dominating international news. Closer to home, we see widening income inequality, uneasy bond markets, and a generation saddled with student loan debt. Will these forces be enough to send us to the “Upside Down,” and are we prepared to fight back if they do? What should you be watching for in the months to come? Attend the annual Economic Outlook Forum and find out how these “Stranger Things” will impact the Maryland economy.

  • Daraius Irani, Ph.D.
    Chief Economist, Regional Economic Studies Institute
    Vice President, Strategic Partnerships and Applied Research, Towson University 

10:15 a.m.—Q & A

  • Moderator: Mike Siers
    Director of Research, Regional Economic Studies Institute
  • Daraius Irani, Ph.D.
    Chief Economist, Regional Economic Studies Institute
    Vice President, Strategic Partnerships and Applied Research, Towson University

10:40 a.m.—RESI’s Roundtable Recap: Identifying Steps to Address Local Disparities

  • Mike Siers
    Director of Research, Regional Economic Studies Institute

11:20 a.m.—Q & A

Business leaders from across the region gathered for the 2018 Economic Outlook Forum. RESI Chief Economist Dr. Daraius Irani provided the annual economic forecast for our state, followed by Q&A.

The 2017 Economic Outlook Forum focused on building, scaling, and sustaining a true entrepreneurship ecosystem in Maryland.

8:00–8:45 a.m.: Networking and Breakfast

8:45–9:00 a.m.: Welcome Remarks

  • Dr. Kim Schatzel, President, Towson University
  • Will Anderson, Executive Director, Baltimore County Department of Economic and Workforce Development 

9:00–10:00 a.m.: 2017 Economic Outlook Presentation

  • Presented by Dr. Daraius Irani, Towson University 
  • Q&A led by Will Anderson, Executive Director, Baltimore County Department of Economic and Workforce Development 

An in-depth look at the state of our economy. From proposed cuts to Maryland agencies and programs by the Trump administration to critical occupational shortages and a low unemployment rate, the forecast addresses how economic and political forces impact each of us. Dr. Irani's insight and commentary helps state and local agencies, businesses, and individuals in Greater Baltimore make more strategic economic decisions.

10:00–10:15 a.m.: Break

10:15–10:30 a.m.: Entrepreneurship in Maryland

  • R. Michael Gill, Secretary, Maryland Department of Commerce

Maryland's economy is strong and continues to outperform our regional neighbors, as well as the country as a whole. Our state also continues to lead the way in education, preparing highly educated workers to meet labor demands. Secretary Gill will discuss how Maryland's strong economy and commitment to an educated workforce supports the growth of an entrepreneurship ecosystem.

10:30–11:45 a.m.: Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Forum

  • Moderator: Tom Sadowski
    Vice Chancellor for Economic Development, University System of Maryland
  • Frank Bonsal III  
    Director, Venture Creation, Towson University
  • Julie Lenzer
    Associate Vice President, Innovation and Economic Development, and Co-Director, UM Ventures, University of Maryland
  • Anthony Williams 
    Vice President and Senior Investment Officer, Meridian Management Company, Inc

From tax credits and grants to incubators and incentive zones, fostering entrepreneurship has become a core component of economic development across our state. This year's Economic Outlook Forum focuses on building, scaling, and sustaining a true entrepreneurship ecosystem in Maryland. Panelists from government, education, and private business sectors will discuss the challenges and solutions and seek to answer these questions:

  • What is the primary objective of fostering an entrepreneurship ecosystem?
  • How can we create an open, entrepreneurial culture that enables growth given our existing set of policies and systems?
  • How can various stakeholders, who often have divergent goals, set the context for success?
  • Can an equitable ecosystem be created given the socio-economic disparity that exists in Greater Baltimore?
  • What initiatives and support structures are currently available for entrepreneurs? What will be needed for sustainability?
  • What role does diversity—minority, veteran, or women owned businesses—play in building an ecosystem that works for all Marylanders?
  • Are there certain geographic areas that are better suited to catalyze economic development?

8:00–8:45 a.m.: Networking & Breakfast

8:45 a.m.: Welcome Remarks

  • President Schatzel
  • County Executive Kevin Kamenetz

9:00 a.m.: 2017 Economic Outlook Presentation

  • Presented by Dr. Daraius Irani
  • Q&A led by Will Anderson

10:00 a.m.–12 p.m.: Place-making and the Towson Opportunity followed by Focus Groups

  • Tom Sadowski, Vice Chancellor for Economic Development, University System of Maryland
  • Omar Blaik, CEO, U3 Advisors
  • Ken Ulman, President, Margrave Consulting

Past Event: Maryland Workforce Outlook Forum

Hosted and sponsored in partnership with the Regional Economic Studies Institute and the Maryland Governor’s Workforce Development Board, the Maryland Workforce Outlook Forum brought together (2016–2019) leaders in business, workforce, and education and focused on:

  • Addressing Human Disparities Across Our State
  • Why Diversity and Inclusion Matter to Maryland's Workforce
  • Business and Anchor Institution Partnerships to Aid Workforce Development
  • Defining Opportunity Youth and the Economic Conditions and Workforce Impacts of Opportunity Youth
  • A Look at Neuro-Diversity and the Economic Conditions and Workforce Impacts of Neuro-Diversity