Honorary Societies

Sigma Phi Omega, the national academic honor and professional society in gerontology, has established the Delta Rho chapter at Towson University. The honor society recognizes excellence of those who study gerontology and aging and the outstanding service of professionals who work with or on behalf of older adults.
Sigma Phi Omega seeks to promote scholarship, professionalism, friendship, and services to older persons, and to recognize exemplary attainment in gerontology/aging studies and related fields.
Student membership in Delta Rho is open to undergraduate and graduate students who are majoring or minoring in gerontology and related fields. Undergraduates must have a GPA of 3.3 or greater and graduate students must have a 3.5 or greater.
Membership includes individual certificates presented upon initiation along with a Sigma Phi Omega pin and medal.
Students majoring in gerontology who wish to join the honor society should contact Dr. Joyce Weil, jweil AT_TOWSON.