
Recent and ongoing projects affiliated with the UEBL include:
- BrCl and Other Highly Reactive Brominating Agents in Disinfected Waters: Implications for Disinfection By-Product Formation and Control
- Environmental Fate and Effects of Dichloroacetamide Safeners
- Evaluation of ecosystem impacts associated with fate, bioavailability and accumulation of highway infrastructure derived materials (PDF)
- Influence of road salt on urban ecosystems (PDF)
- Stable isotopes for evaluating micronutrient metal bioavailability (PDF)
- Attenuation of the potential impacts of copper roof runoff by stormwater best management practices (PDF)
- Effects of salinity derived from road salt and suspended sediments on yellow perch (Perca flavescens) egg and larval survival in the Severn River, Mattawoman Creek, and Choptank Rivers, MD (PDF)
- Determination of uptake and elimination rates for isotopically enriched ZnO nanoparticles by Eisenia fetida and the potential for trophic transfer (PDF)
- Joel Moore (Geosciences & Environmental Science): Grant to study stream and critical zone processes in urban areas
- Wendy Nelson (Geosciences): Analysis of trace (rare) elements to understand subduction of tectonic plates
- John Sivey (Chemistry & Environmental Science): Grant to study disinfectant use tradeoffs in U.S. water systems