OTS Policies & Guidelines

These technology policies, guidelines and procedures address the use of information technology by the students, faculty and staff of Towson University. 

IT Policies

Towson University Information Technology policies provide policies and procedures relating to the university's information technology resources, including but not limited to, proper use, security, privacy, networks, phones and email. 

The faculty, staff and students of Towson University share an Information Technology Security responsibility and are expected to be familiar with policies for handling and accessing university data. Additionally important is being aware of Data Governance roles and responsibilities. 

There are policies for using the university's IT resources, including Acceptable Use of Towson University’s Computer System, Use of Towson University's Email System and Acceptable Use of the Towson University Wireless Network.

Faculty and staff need to follow the Using Mobile Computing Devices policy when conducting university business on and off campus.

IT Guidelines and Procedures

All faculty, staff and students need to be familiar with university Guidelines for Responsible Computing. Every TU email account holder needs to read and follow the Email Guidelines for users and All-Campus and Group Email Guidelines.

Web pages created and maintained using Towson University resources are to follow the Guidelines for Responsible Computing.

Mobile devices are updated constantly and all faculty, staff and students should read and follow the Mobile Security Guidelines to be sure their device is safe and secure.

Students may access ResNet services and should be aware what is considered acceptable use of ResNet.

In creating or downloading materials, consider the Copyright Awareness Guidelines, Copyright and Distance Learning Guidelines and refer to the Use of Material Protected by Copyright Guidelines provided by Academic Affairs.

If faculty or staff believe a student may have violated the Guidelines for Responsible Computing they should follow the Handling Alleged Student Violations procedure