Solution-Focused Support
The Counseling Center offers currently enrolled students several different kinds of help, starting with a private and confidential initial meeting with a counselor.

Solution-focused support involves meeting with a therapist to receive help with an immediate concern. Meeting with one of our therapists can help you:
- increase your self-understanding
- resolve problems
- feel better
- learn new skills
Making an Appointment
We offer same-day 30-minute appointments available every day throughout the semester.
You can be seen the same day you call so that we can help you when you need us the
most. Call the Center at 410-704-2512 when you need to speak with a therapist. Our
friendly office staff will assist you in making a same-day appointment.
Prior to meeting with one of our therapists, it may be helpful to reflect on the following
questions so that you can feel prepared.
- What prompted me to come in today? Why now?
- What needs to happen in this session so that I will leave feeling that it was worth my while to come here?
- What am I looking to get out of this experience?
For those experiencing a psychological emergency when the Counseling Center is closed (evenings & weekends), after-hours crisis support is available 24/7 to students who call the Center.
Additional Information
Your Responsibility
Please keep your appointments.
Due to the high demand on our services, students who no-show appointments will be charged $25.
Questions about this policy may be directed to your therapist or the Counseling Center Director.
Counseling often deals with very personal and sensitive issues. Successful outcome depends on having a safe place to express your feelings, attitudes and thoughts with a therapist who respects you and your privacy.
Counseling sessions are confidential, and any limits to confidentiality are carefully explained. Information may only be released with your written permission or as may be required by law.
The importance of confidentiality is reflected in the Counseling Center’s adherence to the Code of Ethics of the American Psychological Association.
Expectations For Your Visit:
A therapist will help you address your immediate problem(s) by focusing on what you need help with that day.
A therapist will develop a culturally-responsive and tailored treatment plan, so that you can leave each session with clarity, direction, and a plan for meeting your wellness goals and needs.
A therapist will collaborate with you to determine what further sources of help will be most useful.
A therapist will assist you in the referral process (if necessary) to ensure the transition is as smooth as possible.