Towson Learning Network

The Towson Learning Network (TLN) promotes and maintains extensive involvement in continuing education and professional development in the metropolitan region by offering courses and programs at a reduced cost at Regional Higher Education Centers, in local school systems, and for government agencies. All programs supported through TLN provide the same academic rigor as found in on-campus programs.

Maryland School System Partnerships

The Towson Learning Network offers programs for school systems to provide cohort programs at reduced tuition, at convenient off-campus locations, for eligible school system employees in active service.

Interested in establishing a school system partnership?  Contact Bev German, Executive Director, Towson Learning Network at

TLN Programs at Regional Higher Education Centers in Maryland

The Towson Learning Network coordinates programs in Regional Higher Education Centers in Maryland.  Graduate programs with reduced tuition are available to eligible educators through contractual agreements between school systems and Towson University. Undergraduate programs with regular tuition and reduced fees are available to eligible students pursuing degrees in the education field. 

Courses at Professional Development Schools

TLN works with local school systems to provide courses in Professional Development Schools at reduced tuition rates. These contractual courses are offered upon request and in collaboration with the school improvement teams.  Contact Bev German at 410-704-5382 if interested in offering a course at your school.

Want to Learn More?

Complete our form to receive information about TLN programs and webinars.



Towson Learning Network

Enrollment Services Building
1st Floor, Room 103
Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.